September 6th-9th


In Math we studied the first quadrant of the Cartesian Plane. The students learnt how to identify and mark positive coordinates on the grid. To practice this activity we drew hidden pictures using grid coordinates, as well as played battleship - which we will pick back up on Friday. 

"I can identify and plot points on the Cartesian plane using whole numbers"


This week students were introduced to literacy stations. Each week we will have 2 periods in which the students can tackle certain literacy tasks and challenges. They have a checklist, and can complete the tasks in any order they choose. 

We also worked on the first writing assignment of the year, “Letter to My Teacher”. Students have read an example letter I wrote to them, and are now creating their own letter so I can learn a few things about them. The students received class time this Friday to begin typing their letters, and will receive more time next week to complete them. The due date for this assignment is Tuesday, September 13th, however accommodations can be made on a case by case basis. 

"When writing I can plan, draft, edit and revise my work"


In social studies we began our exploration of different government systems. We discussed why rules are important for a society, and then the 4 different types of government that exist: democracy, oligarchy, monarchy, and dictatorship. We will shift our focus to democracy beginning next week. 

"I can describe what a society is and what societies I belong to"
"I can compare 3-4 different types of governments"


The students began their research into our Trees and Forests unit by sketching a forest - including any and all specific details they could think of that one might find in a forest. We will begin discussing the different layers of a forest on Monday. 

"I can identify that a forest is a habitat for living things"

Important Notes:

  • Picture Day is Thursday, September 15th. 

  • If you have not done so, please send your child with binder tabs to help them organize their materials. 

  • Your child has been invited to join our Google Classroom! Please ensure they check their Gmail and accept their invite if they have not done so already.